Everything but the Bagel Seasoned Salmon

This week I am starting a new weekly challenge with making meals from only real ingredients and nothing processed. Keep in mind seasoning and oil to cook do NOT apply to this new challenge! 

As enjoyable as lasagna is or as indulging in an Oreo truffle can be, eating processed ingredients can take its toll. Eating exclusively whole food ingredients is not something I choose to do, yet I think it’s incredibly important to incorporate meals mostly made of whole foods into the rotation. Hence…Whole Ingredient Wednesdays!

This week’s recipe could seriously not get any simpler. Baked salmon with a side of air fryer asparagus

Being from Ohio, there’s not fresh fish everywhere so I opted for a whole frozen salmon filet from Kroger. At the time of purchase it was only $7 too for the whole filet! Keep in mind if you go frozen, it needs to thaw in the fridge the day before. Of course I had to entirely cover it with Trader Joe’s Everything but the Bagel seasoning before cooking it to enjoy.

Spruce up your Wednesdays from that leftover chicken or takeout that you feel too full after with a wholesome choice of salmon with veggies on the side for Whole Ingredient Wednesdays! 


  • Salmon Filet (thawed)
  • 1 tbsp Everything but the Bagel Seasoning
  • 1 tsp olive oil


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Place cooling rack on baking pan. Spray cooling rack with cooking spray.
  • Lightly coat salmon with olive oil.
  • Cover with EBTB seasoning evenly. No judgment if you use more than 1 tbsp…
  • Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.